Installation/TuningThe Script can be used as in parts, and in "gathering". In parts - means only installation only a script which will allow you to execute call functions tinySQL management procedures by text files. "Assemblage" - will allow you to start a Web application which will facilitate "manual" work with the created tables on your Internet server, and also to create, edit and delete the data in tables and tables. "the assemblage" structure includes 3 files: install.cgi - инсталятор web covers admin.cgi - a web cover - a set tinySQL procedures for text files For "assemblage" adjustment - download archive and закачайте all 3 files in a directory cgi-bin (scripts can be established in any дректорию in which it is authorized to Vasht to execute the Web server cgi-scenarios) and to establish on files with expansion .cgi access rights 0755 . After that through the browser start a script install.cgi , кторый will suggest you to specify лиректорию for storage of tables, and the Internet address for access to to a web cover. Upon termination of procedure if the installer can't remove itself, make it manually, having removed a file install.cgi After these procedures can easy begin work with the Web cover . download all scripts you can in section to "Download"